About Us
The High Post, launched in 2020, is where rigorous science journalism meets the dynamic world of everyday learning. We’re on a mission to illuminate the complex and the profound in the realm of science, bringing clarity and application to the forefront of every article.
But there’s more within the pages of The High Post. Alongside articles that break down scientific discoveries, we offer exclusive insights into our in-house experiments. Our team engages in groundbreaking research, capturing specific biometrics such as EEG signals and heart rate data, bringing you closer to the cutting edge of neuroscience and health.
And we don’t stop with the science; we elevate it into an art form. By converting the data from wearable tech into distinctive animations, we offer a visual and interactive representation of the science you read about.
Step into the world of The High Post, where every article is a journey, and every journey is an opportunity to grow!